Overview of Coverity on Polaris CI Integrations

Integrate Coverity on Polaris with Jenkins and Azure DevOps.

Modern secure development practices focus on minimizing risk to create products with a minimum of vulnerabilities. Automated testing is one way that product teams leverage resources to locate and mitigate the greatest number of vulnerabilities with the time and resources available.

Coverity on Polaris supports the following continuous integration systems to make component analysis easier and more accurate.

  • Coverity on Polaris for Jenkins plug-in enables you to invoke Coverity on Polaris analysis from your Jenkins builds.
  • Coverity on Polaris for Azure DevOps enables continuous integration in Azure DevOps to make component analysis readily available in your CI environment.
  • Bamboo for Coverity on Polaris enables you to invoke Coverity on Polaris analysis in Bamboo.

The Coverity on Polaris for Jira service integration enables Coverity on Polaris users to manually triage, select, and assign Coverity on Polaris issues to Jira projects, which can be manually pushed to Jira Cloud on demand.

Click Coverity on Polaris for Jira service integration to view documentation about the Coverity on Polaris for Jira service.

Synopsys Statement on Inclusivity and Diversity

Synopsys is committed to creating an inclusive environment where every employee, customer, and partner feels welcomed. We are reviewing and removing exclusionary language from our products and supporting customer-facing collateral. Our effort also includes internal initiatives to remove biased language from our engineering and working environment, including terms that are embedded in our software and IPs. At the same time, we are working to ensure that our web content and software applications are usable to people of varying abilities. You may still find examples of non-inclusive language in our software or documentation as our IPs implement industry-standard specifications that are currently under review to remove exclusionary language.