Integrating Coverity on Polaris with Bamboo

Integrate Coverity on Polaris with Bamboo by installing the Coverity on Polaris CLI on the same server as Bamboo.

The following is a high-level overview of the workflow for integrating Coverity on Polaris with Bamboo and is not intended as detailed instruction:

  1. Install the Coverity on Polaris CLI tool on the same machine where the Bamboo server is running.
  2. Configure Coverity on Polaris credentials, and Coverity on Polaris environment variables.
  3. Configure Coverity on Polaris CLI on the Bamboo server to ensure that it can connect to the Coverity on Polaris server.
  4. Incorporate Coverity on Polaris analysis as part of the build plan in a Bamboo project, for example, see the following image for a configuration example.
    Coverity on Polaris with Bamboo integration
  5. Optionally, set up a remote trigger to trigger a build and invoke Coverity on Polaris analysis when changes are committed to your SCM.
  6. Review the Coverity on Polaris analysis results on the Coverity on Polaris server.