Using the Plug-in in a Pipeline Job

Use pipeline steps in the Coverity on Polaris plug-in.

Note: This platform is renamed Coverity on Polaris.References to Polaris or Polaris Software Integrity Platform in this documentation and screenshots are referring to Coverity on Polaris.

The Coverity on Polaris for Jenkins plugin provides two pipeline steps:

  1. polaris: Runs the Coverity on Polaris CLI to initiate Coverity on Polaris analysis of your project.
  2. polarisIssueCheck: Waits until Coverity on Polaris has completed the analysis of your project, and determines the number of issues found.
    Note: For polarisIssueCheck, the timeout in minutes field requires a positive integer. Values that are not integers might be truncated by Jenkins before being passed on to the plugin.
    Refer to Jenkins Pipeline steps documentation about using these pipeline steps.