Configuring the Coverity on Polaris Instance in Jenkins

Configure the settings for your Coverity on Polaris instance in Jenkins

Note: This platform is renamed Coverity on Polaris.References to Polaris or Polaris Software Integrity Platform in this documentation and screenshots are referring to Coverity on Polaris.

Add the Coverity on Polaris instance URL and credentials in Jenkins.

  1. Click Manage Jenkins > Configure System.
  2. Navigate to the Coverity on Polaris section, and complete the following:
    • URL: Add the URL for your Coverity on Polaris server instance.
      Configure the Polaris instance details
    • Credentials: Select Secret text. If the credentials that you are looking for are not in the list then you can add them by using the Add button and use the Jenkins Secret text credentials that you created for your Coverity on Polaris access token.
      Jenkins secret image
    • Advanced: To change the timeout that Coverity on Polaris for Jenkins uses while waiting for a response from the Coverity on Polaris server, click Advanced and enter the timeout value using seconds in the Coverity on Polaris connection timeout field.
    • Test connection to Coverity on Polaris: To test that Coverity on Polaris for Jenkins can connect to Polaris using the configuration data you have entered, click Test connection to Polaris.
  3. Click Save